On Campus

Accelerate Your Digital
Transformation in Education

Empowering schools with minimal effort
through our innovative platform


You can't go wrong with On Campus


Generate Standard report cards for your students

The generation of students’ report cards based on the most recent standards recommended by the ministry of secondary education. This will enable your students’ report to gain recognition before the state as well as her partners.


Real-time update to drive informed decision making

Track the performance of teachers and students at any given point in time by simply interacting with the platform. This is very vital in decision making for the smooth management of your institution..


Maximum productivity

Your institution adopting this platform will minimize the effort of teachers and class masters when it comes to the organization, evaluation and reporting on the academic performance of your students. Providing your staff with a pleasant work experience will definitely lead to a performance boost within your work environment.


High Return on Investment (ROI)

On Campus is cloud based and does not requires you to buy and maintain IT infrastructure or hire a team of qualify engineers. All you need is to create an account for your institution and provide the required data. Go digital without selling a piece of land and manage the digital assets of your business without losing sleep.


24/7 Customer Support

On Campus has a dedicated team of engineers who did not only design this platform; they are also available to respond to all your needs as far as the use of this platform is concern. Our dedicated team is always available to provide you with the necessary support while you focus on your business.

Key Features

Report card template management systems

On campus gives you the possibility to import files such as student records in Excel format and export files such as class list and student report.

Import and export of files

On campus gives you the possibility to import files such as student records in Excel format and export files such as class list and student report.

A responsive user friendly Interface(UI)

On Campus UI was designed with you in mind with the objective to provide you with the best possible experience as you interact with the platform.

Role base access control

With On Campus, you have the possibility to delegate different administrative tasks to different staff by assigning them different roles in order to limit their access only to what concerns them.

Advanced configuration system

On Campus gives you a lot of flexibility when it comes to setting it up to reflect the management style of your institution thanks to it advanced configuration system. With this system, you can configure academic subsystems,academic years, gradings, teachers and subject, classes and more.

Multi-layered Security

The security of On Campus spans across multiple layers. Due to the numerous threats that arise every day, our effort in keeping On Campus secure is a continuous one.

Periodic Backups

One of the key steps taken in other to ensure the continuity of businesses is to provide our customers with periodic backups.